Roll of Honour (Line of Duty)
The British Transport Police Roll of Honour (Line of Duty) records the deaths of railway, dock and canal police officers who have died in the line of duty.
First World War – Roll of Honour
Hundreds of railway and dock staff joined the colours during the Great War. The railways actively encouraged their staff to join up and “pals regiments” were created to allow staff from a particular company to join and serve together. The Railway and Dock Police Forces played their part and are remembered here.
The Second World War & Korean War – Rolls of Honour
During the Second World War hundreds of railway and dock police officers were called up for service, their jobs being taken over by Special Constables, many recruited from within the railway industry. These Rolls of Honour list those former officers who subsequently gave their lives for their country during the Second World War and the Korean War.
Railway War Memorials
Details of War Memorials situated on railway premises can be found in this document: Railway Memorials (Railway Heritage)
Courtesy of the Railway Heritage Trust, with details from the War Memorials Archive.
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