Every effort is made to comply with copyright laws in relation to images and material used on this non-commercial website. If at any time it is found that we have infringed any rights then we unreservedly apologise and undertake to correct the matter at the earliest opportunity.
British Transport Police
Photographs depicting the modern Force
(1963 - to the present day)
BTC Police
A selection of photographs featuring the British Transport Commission Police.
Constituent Forces
A series photographs recording the various police forces that were the forebears of the BTC.
Now separated into the sub-albums:
- Constituent Forces (pre - BTC)
- Constituent Forces (Portraits)
- North Eastern Railway Police
Policewomen in Pictures
A selection of photographs of BTP Policewomen from the archives.
The Tadworth Collection
Photographs of the BTP Training Centre are now divided into four sub-albums:
- Tadworth - Police Training Centre
- St. Cross Boarding School
- Tadworth - the demise of the chapel classroom
- Tadworth - a new chapter.
Sports & Social
In the days before the long commute and various technological distractions people seemed to find time for other pursuits.
Police Dogs
Early in 1908 the first Police Dogs to be used in the United Kingdom went on patrol at Hull Docks (North Eastern Railway Police). The BTP continues to be at the forefront of Police Dog use.