Congratulations are due to the current Deputy Chief Constable, Paul Crowther, on the announcement today that he will be the next Chief Constable.
From a historical perspective, Paul will be the first Chief Constable to have served continuously with the BTP throughout his entire career since William Owen Gay was appointed in 1963.
The announcement on the BTP website was published shortly after midnight:
Deputy Chief Constable Paul Crowther OBE has been appointed as the next Chief Constable. The announcement was made by Millie Banerjee, Chair of the British Transport Police Authority. Paul Crowther has been Acting Chief Constable since January whilst the current Chief Constable, Andy Trotter OBE QPM, has been leading the Strategic Command Course at the College of Policing. Paul is expected to take over from Andy Trotter later in the year.
Having joined BTP in 1980, he is currently the ACPO national lead for the Metal Theft Task Force, for which he was recently appointed an OBE, as well as suicide prevention and CCTV.
Millie Banerjee continued: “I am delighted to have Paul Crowther as the Force’s next Chief Constable; Paul has already demonstrated the necessary ambition for the development of the force and the ability to implement the Authority’s strategy out to 2019. I look forward to working closely with Paul as the Authority and Force continue to make strides towards delivering an effective and efficient police Force.”
Commenting on his appointment, Paul said: “BTP is a first class organisation and I am honoured to have been chosen to lead the Force. I am very much looking forward to the challenges ahead and working with exceptional officers and staff that make BTP the innovative and responsive policing service it is.”
Chief Constable Andy Trotter said: “Paul has had an outstanding career in BTP so far and is an excellent choice to take over the leadership of the Force. He has considerable operational experience in crime, public order, and Area command. As my deputy he has demonstrated real grip on the operational and financial performance of the Force, playing a major role in the transformation of BTP into a highly effective and efficient organisation. He also personally led the successful national campaign against metal theft. Paul has the drive, energy, experience and intellect to lead the Force through the challenges ahead.”
The announcement also appeared on the BTPA website.