BTPHG has launched a web page called StoryBank where many articles from our rich history can be found. These include extracts from History Lines our regular Group newsletter and some fascinating Trial Reports from the Old Bailey. Also, we have introduced StoryBank itself, a section where you will find articles submitted by members covering a wide range of topics.
Please think about about sending one in yourself. They can be serious, case histories, amusing incidents, charitable or biographical. They need to true of course and connected to our ‘job’ in some way. And they can’t be too ‘political’ or slanderous. In this way we hope to build up a rich store of articles that tell the real history of the RDC Police (Railway, Dock and Canal.) And they don’t have to be the finished article – just send in a few notes if you want and we’ll do the rest.
What better way can there be to portray our history? Please send your story to