Presentation by Viv Head
On Wednesday, 29th June 2022, the BTPHG had an online presentation, delivered via ZOOM. This is the second time we have used video conferencing for BTPHG presentations, so this continues to be something of an experiment. If this is considered a success we will run other sessions on matters connected with the history of policing the railways, canals and docks of Great Britain. We have a number of potential speakers lined up and we hope that video conferencing will enable us to better engage with our members and others interested in our history.
This time the presenter was our past Chair(man) Viv Head, with one of his specialist subjects: Policing the Docks in South Wales.
The presentation was well received by those that attended and was followed by an interesting discussion. The proceedings were recorded. Please find a video of the presentation above.
Viv Head served in the British Transport Police at Cardiff, Newport, Coventry and Birmingham between 1969 and 1998. He has always been interested in history – police, maritime and social, and even when still serving he collected interesting snippets of BTP history. In 2009 he invited a handful of ex-colleagues to a meeting in a public house in Birmingham. The result was the embryo BTP History Group. As Chair between 2009 and 2019 he saw the Group prosper into more than 400 members and gain recognition from the Force and various outside bodies.
Viv says: “I remain proud of what we have achieved together, particularly the dedication, expertise and continued enthusiasm of the committee and researchers”.
Also see:
Viv’s website: – dedicated to the History of Railway, Dock and Canal Police Forces of South Wales.
and his book: Policing South Wales Docks – an Illustrated History.
Viv Head is a BTP History Writer