The Constituent Forces Project was undertaken to compile a complete historical list of all the police forces which eventually amalgamated into what we now know as the British Transport Police. During the course of this research, however, a number of other similar RDC police forces were discovered, which although they cannot be tied directly to the BTP’s family tree, are considered worthy of inclusion – lest they be forgotten. Where no link has been found this is noted in the table.
This Constituent Forces Index has been compiled by Ed Thompson over a period of two years. Great care has been taken to ensure its accuracy and each entry has been traced to a source. However it has not been possible to confirm a small number of the sources. The list is not definitive, therefore Ed would welcome your comments on any errors or additions you may have. He can be contacted at the email address shown on the Projects page.
There were several “Joint Stations”, such as Bristol Temple Meads, Bradford Exchange and Birmingham New Street, where more than one company operated. Very often the police have been referred to as Joint Railway Police at these locations. However it has not been established if they were a special force set up for a particular station or if they retained their separate company status.
As at 2019, there are two-hundred and forty-eight forces shown.
Initials Company Date Company Commenced Operating Earliest known Date of Existence of A Police Force Date Company Disbanded or Amalgamated Amalgamations / Closures / Notes Police Status
ACP Aberdare Canal Police 00.00.1812 00.00.1846 00.00.1900 Closed Confirmed
ABRP Aberdare Railway Police 00.00.1845 06.03.1875 00.00.1902 Absorbed by the Taff Valley Railway Confirmed
A&SMRP Aberdeen and Scottish Midland Junction Railway Police 00.00.1856 00.00.1856 00.00.1857 Renamed the Scottish North Eastern Railway Confirmed
ARP Aberdeen Railway Police 01.02.1848 23.08.1847 29.07.1856 Merged with the Scottish Midland Junction Railway to Form the Scottish North East Railway Confirmed
A&CNP Aire and Calder Navigation Police 00.00.1826 00.00.1840 01.01.1948 Amalgamated into the British Transport Commission Police Confirmed
AD&RP Alexandra Docks and Railway Police (Newport) 00.00.1875 30.01.1873 31.12.1922 North Dock & Lock Opend 00.00.1875. In 1882 Alexandra Docks was renamed Alexandra Docks & Railway. Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
BP&SRP Banff, Portsoy and Strathisla Railway Police 30.07.1859 00.00.1858 12.08.1867 Absorbed by the Great North of Scotland Railway Possible
BYDRP Barry Dock and Railway Police
05.07.1889 10.07.1889 05.08.1891 Changed the name to Barry Railway Confirmed
BRP Barry Railway Police 05.08.1891 00.00.1891 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
BS&HRP Berks and Hants Railway (Operated & Policed by the GWR) 11.11.1862 18.04.1863 01.01.1948 Owned and Operated by the Great Western Railway Confirmed
BERP Berwickshire Railway Police 16.11.1863 28.07.1864 01.08.1876 Amagamated with the North British Railway Confirmed
BJRP Birkenhead Joint Railway Police 01.01.1860 05.06.1888 01.01.1948 Formerly the Birkenhead Railway then taken over by the Great Western & London & North Western Railways until Nationalisation. Confirmed
BL&CJRP Birkenhead Lancashire and Cheshire Junction Railway Police 00.00.1848 10.08.1855 01.01.1960 In 1859 shortend it's name to the Birkenhead Railway then taken over by the LNWR in 1960. Confirmed
BIRKRP Birkenhead Railway Police 01.08.1859 20.02.1849 01.01.1860 Taken over and run as a joint railway by the LNWR & GWR in 1860. Nationalised in 1948. Confirmed
BBRP Birmingham and Bristol Railway Police 00.00.1845 06.08.1846 00.00.1846 Absorbed into the Midland Railway Confirmed
B&DRP Birmingham and Derby Junction Railway Police 12.08.1839 00.00.1844 10.05.1844 Merged into the Midland Railway Confirmed
B&GRP Birmingham and Gloucester Railway Police 24.06.1840 12.08.1840 14.01.1845 Merged into the Birmingham & Bristol Railway Confirmed
B&OJRP Birmingham and Oxford Junction Railway Police 00.00.1850 00.00.1852 31.08.1848 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway. See note [2] Possible
BCNP Birmingham Canal Navigation Police 00.00.1768 30.07.1885 00.00.1948 Taken over by the Docks & Inland Waterways Executive Confirmed
BW&SVRP Birmingham Wolverhampton and Stour Valley Railway Police 01.02.1852 03.12.1851 00.00.1867 Taken over by the London & North Western Railway Confirmed
BAWRP Bishop Auckland and Weardale Railway (Leased to the Stockton & Darlington Railway) 08.11.1843 11.07.1846 00.00.1847 Policed by the Stockton & Darlington Railway Police. Later merged into the Wear Valley Railway. Confirmed
BD&BRP Blackburn Darwin and Bolton Railway Police 00.00.1848 14.07.1847 00.00.1858 Amalgamated with the East Lancashire Railway Confirmed
BS&PMRP Blyth Seghill & Percy Main Railway Police 03.03.1847 02.04.1852 00.00.1853 Changed name to the Blyth & Tyne Railway Confirmed
B&HRP Bothwell and Hamilton Railway Police 01.11.1877 20.06.1876 02.08.1878 Absorbed by the North British Railway Confirmed
BJRP Brandling Junction Railway 18.06.1839 00.00.1839 01.09.1844 Absorbed into the Newcastle & Darlington Junction Railway Confirmed
B&MRP Brecon & Merthyr Railway Police 01.05.1863 Unknown 01.07.1922 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
NBTP Bridgewater Canal Police 00.00.1761 00.07.1888 00.00.1885 Sold to the Manchester Ship Canal Company Confirmed. No link to BTP.
BLHRP Brighton Lewes and Hastings Railway Police 08.06.1846 08.11.1845 27.07.1846 Merged into the London Brighton & South Coast Railway Confrimed
B&ERP Bristol and Exeter Railway Police 14.06.1841 04.05.1844 01.08.1876 Amalgamated with the Great Western Railway Confirmed
BHRP Bristol Harbour Railway Police 00.00.1872 05.06.1879 00.00.1978 Originally a joint venture between the Great Western & the Bristol & Exeter Railways. Confirmed
BTCP British Transport Commission Police 01.01.1949 01.01.1949 01.01.1963 Changed name to the British Transport Police. Confirmed
BUCKSRP Buckinghamshire Railway Police c1840s 14.08.1847 21.07.1879 London & North Western Railway Confirmed
MRP Burton and ashby Light Railway 02.07.1906 20.06.1907 19.02.1927 A Tramway owned and Policed by the Midland Railway Company. Closed in 1927. Confirmed
BDP Bute Docks Police 00.00.1839 00.10.1858 01.01.1922 Absorbed into the GWR Police in 1923. See note [1] Confirmed
C&HNP Calder and Hebble Navigation Police 00.00.1770 15.05.1847 01.01.1948 Nationalised Confirmed
C&DRP Caledonian and Dunbartonshire Railway Police 15.07.1850. 00.00.1851 00.00.1862 Amalgamated with the Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway. Possible
CRP Caledonian Railway Police 31.07.1845 08.05.1846 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the London Midland and Scottish Railway. Confirmed
C&ORP Callender and Oban Railway Police 01.06.1870 08.11.1879 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the London Midland and Scottish Railway. Confirmed
CMBRP Cambrian Railways Police 00.00.1864 00.00.1867 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
C&WRP Canterbury and Whitstable Railway Police 03.05.1830 Unknown 00.09.1844 Absorbed into the South Eastern Railway Confirmed
Cardiff Railway Police See note [1]
C&SBRP Carlisle and Silloth Bay Railway & Dock Police 00.05.1854 30.10.1858 30.06.1859 Absorbed by the North British Railway Probable
CARP Carnarvonshire Railway Police 29.07.1862 17.10.1868 04.07.1870 The line later became part of the LNWR. Probable
CLRP Central London Railway Police (Underground) 00.00.1900 11.10.1900 01.07.1933 Taken over by the Underground Electric Railways Company of London in 1913 which in turn was taken over by the London Transport Passenger Board in 1933. Confirmed
CXRP Charing Cross Railway Police 00.00.1885 26.10.1865 Unknown Absorbed into the South Eastern Railway Confirmed
CGWURP Cheltenham and Great Western Union Railway Police 00.00.1840 21.10.1841 01.07.1843 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
CLCRP Cheshire Lines Committee Railway Police 00.00.1862 00.00.1884 01.01.1948 Nationalised into British Railways Confirmed
CBRP Chester and Birkenhead Railway Police 23.09.1838 10.12.1842 22.07.1847 Merged into the Birkenhead Railway Confirmed
C&HRP Chester and Holyhead Railway Police 04.11.1846 03.08.1848 01.01.1859 Absorbed into the London & North Western Railway Confirmed
CNLRP Cornwall Railway Police 04.05.1852 07.09.1860 01.07.1889 Amalgamated with the Great Western Railway Confirmed
CMRP Cornwall Minerals Railway Police 01.06.1874 17.06.1874 01.07.1896 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
CCNP Coventry Canal Navigation Police 00.00.1769 25.01.1922 01.01.1948 Nationalised into the British Transport Commission. Confirmed
CJRP Crieff Junction Railway Police 13.03.1856 Unknown 29.06.1865 Absorbed Scottish Central Railway Probable
DSRP Deeside Railway Police 07.09.1853 00.00.1854 01.10.1875 Taken over by the the Great North of Scotland Railway Possible
DRP District Line Railway Police (formerly known as the Metropolitan District Line Railway). 00.00.1868 22.07.1874 01.07.1933 Taken over by the London Transport Passenger Board. Confirmed
D&ARP Dundee and Arbroath Railway Police 06.10.1848. 00.00.1847 31.01.1862 Taken over by the Scottish North Eastern Railway Confirmed
D&NRP Dundee and Newtyle Railway Police 16.12.1831 00.00.1847 00.00.1863 Taken over by the Scottish Central Railway Confirmed
D&PRP Dundee and Perth Railway Police 22.05.1847 00.00.1846 31.07.1863 Changed it's name to Dundee, Perth and Aberdeen Junction Railway In 1848. Taken over by the Scottish Central Railway. Confirmed
EARP East Anglian Railway Police 00.00.1847 28.10.1848 00.00.1862 Taken over by the Great Eastern Railway Confirmed
EKRP East Kent Railway Police 00.00.1858 29.07.1856 01.08.1859 Changed name to the London Chatham & Dover Railway Confirmed
ELANCSP East Lancashire Railway Police 00.00.1844 19.06.1850 00.00.1859 Merged into the Lancashire & Yorksire Railway Confirmed
ELINCSP East Lincolnshire Railway. Operated by the Great Northern Railway. 01.03.1848 27.08.1847 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the London and North Eastern Railway Confirmed
ECRP Eastern Counties Railway Police 20.06.1839 24.11.1838 00.00.1862 Merged into the Great Eastern Railway Confirmed
EU&JRP Eastern Union and Hadleigh Junction Railway Police 20.08.1847 17.09.1847 00.00.1862 Merged into the Great Eastern Railway Confirmed
EURP Eastern Union Railway Police 15.06.1846 21.12.1846 00.00.1862 Merged into the Great Eastern Railway Confirmed
EDRP Edinburgh and Dalkeith Railway Police 00.07.1832 04.10.1832 00.10.1845 North British Railway Confirmed
E&GRP Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway Police 21.02.1842 06.06.1841 01.08.1865 Absorbed by the North British Railway Confirmed
EHRP Edinburgh and Harwick Railway (known as the Waverly Line) 00.00.1845 23.07.1849 01.01.1923 Line was built by the North British Railway, absorbed into the London North Eastern Railway. Confirmed
E&NRP Edinburgh and Northern Railway Police (often referred to by it's later name of the Edinburgh, Perth & Dundee Railway.) 17.09.1847 08.04.1847 29.07.1862 Merged with the North British Railway Confirmed
EP&DRP Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee Railway Police 00.00.1847 20.01.1851 00.00.1857 Absorbed by the North British Railway Confirmed
EL&NRP Edinburgh, Leith and Newhaven Railway Police. Name changed to the Edinburgh, Leith & Granton Railway on 19.07.1844 31.08.1842 00.00.1847 27.07.1847 Absorbed by the Edinburgh & North Railway Confirmed
NBTP Felixstowe Dock and Rail Company Police, originally named the Felixstowe Rail & Port Co. 00.00.1875 00.00.1975 N.A In 1877 the railway line was transferred to the Great Eastern Railway. The Port has it's own Police Section established in 1975. Not Confirmed BTP Constituent
NBTP Festiniog Railway 00.00.1836 00.00.1884 24.06.1954 The company was purchased by a group of volunteers who restored the line. Not BTP Remained Private
F&KR Fife and Kinross Railway 06.06.1857 00.00.1857 00.00.1862 Taken over by the Edinburgh, Perth & Dundee Railway Possible
F&CCP Forth and Clyde Canal Police 00.00.1790 23.02.1885 00.00.1962 In 1885 the Caledonian Railway took over the canal. Absorbed into the British Waterways Board Confirmed
F&CJRP Forth and Clyde Junction Railway Police 26.05.1856 00.00.1856 01.10.1934 Operated by the North British Railway Possible
FRP Furness Railway Police 00.00.1844 16.02.1878 00.00.1922 Absorbed into the London Midland & Scottish Railway Confirmed
G&GRP Glasgow and Garnkirk Railway Police 27.09.1831 Unknown 00.00.1841 Glasgow Paisley & Coatbridge Railway Confirmed
GT&GHRP General Terminus and Glasgow Harbour Railway Police 00.12.1848 00.00.1849 24.07.1854 Caledonian Railway. Final amalgamation 29.06.1865. Possible
GCP Glamorgan Canal Police 00.00.1794 00.00.1859 00.00.1882 Sold to the Bute Dock Company Confirmed
G&PJRP Glasgow and Paisley Joint Railway Police 00.09.1840 26.08.1844 31.12.1922 Became part of the London Midland & Scottish Railway Confirmed
G&SWRP Glasgow and South Western Railway Police 28.10.1850 20.03.1865 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the London Midland and Scottish Railway Confirmed
GD&CRP Glasgow Dumfries and Calisle Railway Police 13.08.1846 15.09.1847 28.10.1850 Merged into the Glasgow and South Western Railway Confirmed
GB&NRP Glasgow, Barrhead and Neilston Direct Railway Police 29.09.1848 07.09.1849 00.00.1851 Absorbed by the Caledonian Railway Confirmed
GP&GRP Glasgow, Paisley and Greenock Railway Police 31.03.1841 07.05.1842 00.00.1847 Merged with the Caledonian Railway Confirmed
GPK&ARP Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock and Ayr Railway Police 05.08.1839 16.04.1840 28.10.1850 Absorbed In the Glasgow & South Western Railway Confirmed
GDP Gloucester Dock Police 00.00.1827 26.02.1836 25.11.1874 Absorbed into the Sharpness Dock Police Confirmed
GJRP Grand Junction Railway Police 04.07.1837 08.07.1837 16.07.1846 Merged into the London & North Western Railway Confirmed
GSCP Grand Surrey Canal Police 1807-1826 01.02.1836 1940s-1970s Closed in stages. Confirmed. No Link to BTP
GUCP Grand Union Canal Police 01.01.1929 09.08.1938 01.01.1948 Nationalised into the British Transport Commission Confirmed
GCRP Great Central Railway Police 01.08.1897 01.08.1897 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the London and North Eastern Railway Confirmed
GERP Great Eastern Railway Police 07.08.1862 07.08.1862 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the London and North Eastern Railway Confirmed
GGSJRP Great Grimsby and Sheffield Junction Railway Police 00.00.1845 14.08.1846 06.01.1847 Merged into the Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Confirmed
GNERP Great North of England Railway Police 00.00.1841 00.00.1840 00.00.1850 Absorbed by the North Eastern Railway Confirmed
GNSRP Great North of Scotland Railway Police 00.00.1846 20.11.1848 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the London and North Eastern Railway Confirmed
GN&L&YRP Great Northern and Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Police 00.00.1887 Unknown Unknown Unknown Confirmed
GNRP Great Northern Railway Police 01.03.1848 24.11.1862 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the London and North Eastern Railway Confirmed
GWRP Great Western Railway Police 30.03.1840 31.05.1835 01.01.1948 Nationalised into British Railways. Also provided policing at Cardiff Docks, Newport Docks, Fishguard, Plymouth and Swansea Docks. Confirmed.
GWBRP Greenock and Wemyss Bay Railway Police 15.05.1865 07.06.1878 01.08.1893 Absorbed into the Caledonian Railway Confirmed
HJRP Hampstead Junction Railway 00.00.1860 10.10.1861 01.02.1909 Initially managed by the North London Railway with support of the London and North Western Railway. The LNWR took over both railways in 1909. Confirmed
HAYRP Hayle Railway Police 00.00.1837 00.00.1845 00.00.1852 Taken over by the West Cornwall Railway Probable
HRGRP Hereford Ross and Gloucester Railway Police 11.07.1853 15.07.1854 29.07.1862 Amalgamated with the Great Western Railway Confirmed
HGCP Herefordshire & Gloucester Canal Police 1798 -1845 03.01.1852 00.00.1881 Closed Confirmed
HRP Highland Railway Police 00.00.1865 28.01.1899 01.01.1923 London Midland and Scottish Railway Confirmed
H&MRCP Huddersfield and Manchester Railway and Canal Police 00.00.1845 28.10.1846 00.00.1847 Taken over by the London & North Western Railway Confirmed
HJRP Huddersfield Joint Railway Police 03.08.1847 01.01.1922 Joint station with the Huddersfield & Manchester Railway and the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. Absorbed by the LMSR. Confirmed.
HHRP Hull & Holderness Railway Police 24.06.1854 16.05.1856 00.00.1860 Absorbed into the North Eastern Railway Confirmed
H&BRP Hull and Barnsley Railway Police (Formerly known as the Hull Barnsley & West Riding Junction Railway and Dock Company) 26.08.1880 13.06.1888 00.00.1922 Absorbed by the North Eastern Railway Confirmed
H&SRP Hull and Selby Railway Police 00.00.1840 03.02.1838 00.00.1872 Absorbed into the North Eastern Railway Confirmed
HBWRJR&DP Hull, Barnsley and West Riding Junction Railway & Dock Company Police 20.07.1885 11.04.1889 00.00.1905 Changed name to the Hull & Barnsley Railway Confirmed
HDCP Hull Dock Company Police 00.00.1778 14.04.1843 01.07.1893 Absorbed by the North Eastern Railway Confirmed
I&PRP Inverness and Perth Railway Police 00.00.1863 28.06.1862 01.06.1865 Absorbed into the Highland Railway. Confirmed
I&BRP Ipswich and Bury St Edmunds Railway Police 07.12.1846 26.09.1846 01.01.1847 Absorbed by the Eastern Union Railway Confirmed
NBTP Isle of Man Railway Police 01.07.1873 04.09.1886 00.00.1978 Nationalised Confirmed. No Link to BTP
IOWRP Isle of Wight Railway Police 23.08.1864 20.07.1867 01.01.1923 Merged into the Southern Railway Confirmed
IOWCRP Isle Of Wight Central Railway Police 00.00.1887 21.05.1909 01.01.1923 Absorbed into Southern Railway Confirmed
K&WRP Kendal and Windermere Railway Police 00.04.1847 23.08.1845 00.00.1858 Leased to the London & Carlisle Railway Confirmed
KSRP Kinross-Shire Railway 20.06.1860 00.00.1860 00.00.1861 Absorbed by the Edinburgh, Perth & Dundee Railway Possible
L&YRP Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Police 00.00.1847 21.01.1854 01.01.1922 Amalgamated into the London & North Western Railway Confirmed
LD&ECRP Lancashire Derbyshire and East Coast Railway Police 00.00.1897 17.05.1898 00.00.1907 Absorbed by the Great Central Railway Confirmed
L&CRP Lancaster and Carlisle Railway Police 22.09.1846 26.02.1846 00.00.1879 Merged with the London & North Western Railway Confirmed
L&PJRP Lancaster and Preston Junction Railway Police 25.06.1840 20.04.1844 00.00.1859 Amagamated with the Lancaster & Carlisle Rwy Confirmed
LNP Lee Navigation Police 01.04.1869 00.07.1888 00.00.1962 Absorbed by the British Waterways Board Confirmed
L&BRP Leeds and Bradford Railway Police 01.07.1846 27.05.1847 00.00.1853 Absorbed into the Midland Railway Confirmed
L&LCP Leeds and Liverpool Canal Police 00.00.1773 12.04.1845 01.01.1948 Nationalised into the British Transport Commission Confirmed
L&SRP Leeds and Selby Railway Police 22.09.1834 29.08.1835 29.08.1835 Absorbed into the York & North Midland Railway Confirmed
L&TRP Leeds and Thirsk Railway 00.00.1848 00.00.1847 00.08.1851 Changed it's name to the Leeds Northern Railway Confirmed.
LJSP Leeds Joint Station Police (formerly known as the Leeds New Station) 00.00.1869 27.09.1890 01.01.1922 Jointly run by the LMS & LNER Companies. Confirmed
LNRP Leeds Northern Railway 00.08.1851 00.08.1851 31.07.1854 Amalgamated into the North Eastern Railway Confirmed
LD&MRP Leeds, Dewsbury and Manchester Railway Police 00.00.1847 17.06.1848 00.00.1847 Leased to the London & North Western Railway prior to opening Confirmed
L&SRP Leicester and Swannington Railway Police 17.07.1832 09.06.1838 00.00.1845 Absorbed by the Midland Railway Confirmed
L&CRP Liskard and Caradon Railway Police 28.11.1844 11.03.1864 01.07.1909 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
L&MRP Liverpool and Manchester Railway 15.09.1830 00.11.1830 29.03.1834 Absorbed by the Grand Junction Railway Confirmed
LSH&SLRP Liverpool St Helens & South Lancashire Railway 00.00.1889 06.08.1892 00.00.1906 Absorbed into the Great Central Railway Confirmed
LRDP Llanelly Railway & Dock Police 00.08.1835 07.02.1863 00.00.1889 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
LVRP Llynfi (Llynvi) Valley Railway Police (Horse drawn) 00.00.1846 00.00.1852 01.07.1866 Merged with the Ogmore Railway to form the Lynfi & Ogmore Railway Confirmed
LSWRP London & South Western Railway 04.06.1839 04.06.1839 01.01.1923 Merged into the Southern Railway Confirmed
L&BIRP London and Birmingham Railway 00.00.1833 00.00.1833 16.07.1846 Merged into the London & North Western Railway Confirmed
L&BWRP London and Blackwall Railway Police 06.07.1840 11.12.1849 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the London & North Eastern Railway Confirmed
L&BRP London and Brighton Railway Police 00.00.1839 07.05.1841 00.00.1846 Amalgamated into the London Brighton & South Coast Railway Confirmed
L&CRP London and Croydon Railway Police 05.06.1839 04.09.1839 27.07.1846 Amalgamated into the London Brighton & South Coast Railway Confirmed
LGRP London and Greenwich Railway Police 08.02.1836 18.06.1836 00.00.1845 Control was handed over to South Eastern Railway. Confirmed
LNERP London and North Eastern Railway Police 01.01.1923 01.01.1923 01.01.1948 Nationalised into British Railways Confirmed
LNWR&MRJP London and North Western & Midland Railways Birmingham Joint Station Police. Formed in 1897 00.00.1911 01.01.1923 Birmingham New Street Station. Merged into the London Midland & Scottish Railway Confirmed
LNW&MJRP London and North Western and Midland Railway Joint Committee Police Unknown 26.03.1847 Unknown Unknown Confirmed
LNWR&GWRP London and North Western Railway and Great Western Railway Joint Committee Police 00.00.1861 29.05.1896 01.01.1923 Merged into the London Midland & Scottish Railway Confirmed
LNWRP London and North Western Railway Police 16.07.1846 12.10.1846 01.01.1923 Merged into the London Midland & Scottish Railway Confirmed
L&SRP London and Southampton Railway Police 31.05.1838 Alternative Date 21.03.1838 03.08.1838 00.00.1839 Renamed the London & South Western Railway Confirmed
LBSCRP London Brighton and South Coast Railway Police 27.07.1846 04.10.1851 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the Southern Railway Confirmed
LCDRP London Chatham and Dover Railway Police (formerly known as the East Kent Railway) 25.01.1858 09.04.1866 01.01.1899 Amalgamated with the South Eastern Railway to form the South Eastern & Chatham Railway Confirmed
LGOCP London General Omnibus Company 01.01.1859 09.05.1859 00.00.1912 Taken over by the Underground Electric Railways Group. However, kept its name until 1933 when it became part of the London Passenger Board. Confirmed
LMSRP London Midland and Scottish Railway 01.01.1923 01.01.1923 01.01.1948 Nationalised into British Railways Confirmed
LNW&L&YJRP London North Western and Lancashire and Yorkshire Joint Railway Police 00.00. 1857 01.07.1910 01.01.1922 Amalgamated into the London & North Western Railway Probable
LPTBP London Passenger Transport Board Police 13.04.1933 11.04.1936 01.01.1948 Nationalised into the London Transport Executive Confirmed
LTP London Transport (Executive) Police 01.01.1948 01.01.1948 01.12.1958 Absorbed into the British Transport Commission Confirmed
LT&SRP London, Tilbury and Southend Railway Police 13.04.1854 18.11.1887 00.00.1912 Purchased by the Midland Railway Confirmed
M&BRP Manchester and Birmingham Railway Police 00.00.1840 14.08.1841 00.00.1846 Merged into the London & North Western Railway Confirmed
MBRP Manchester and Bolton Railway Police 28.05.1838 18.08.1839 00.00.1846 Absorved into the Manchester & Leeds Railway Confirmed
M&LRP Manchester and Leeds Railway Police 00.00.1839 27.07.1839 09.07.1847 Amalgamated into the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Confirmed
NBTP Manchester Ship Canal Police 23.01.1888 24.01.1888 00.00.1993 Purchased by Peel Holdings Confirmed No Link to BTP
NBTP Manchester Ship Canal Railway Police 01.01.1894 18.11.1901 00.00.1993 Purchased by Peel Holdings Confirmed No Link to BTP
MS&LRP Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Police 00.00.1847 22.07.1854 00.00.1897 Changed it's name to the Great Central Railway Confirmed
M&CRP Maryport & Carlisle Railway Police 00.00.1836 19.07.1889 01.01.1923 Merged into the London Midland & Scottish Railway Confirmed
NBTP Mersey and Irwell Navigation (Policed by the Manchester Ship Canal Police) 00.00.1734 24.01.1888 01.01.1894 Absorbed into the Mersey Ship Canal Confirmed
MDRP Metropolitan District Railway Police 24.12.1868 15.10.1897 00.00.1902 Absorbed by the Underground Electric Railways Company of London Confirmed
METRP Metropolitan Railway Police 10.01.1863 25.06.1866 13.04.1933 Taken over by the London Passenger Transport Board Confirmed
M&RRP Middlesbrough and Redcar Railway 00.00.1846 00.00.1846 00.00.1858 Absorbed into the Stockton & Darlington Railway Confirmed
M&GNJRP Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway Police 00.00.1893 00.00.1901 01.01.1923 Acquired by the LNER & LMS Railways Confirmed
MCRP Midland Counties Railway Police 04.06.1839 28.07.1838 00.00.1844 Amalgamated into the Midland Railway Confirmed
MRP Midland Railway Police 00.00.1844 24.04.1847 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the London Midland and Scottish Railway Confirmed
M&KRP Monkland and Kirkintilloch Railway Police 01.10.1826 02.04.1847 14.08.1848 Merged into the Monkland Railways Company Confirmed
MonKRP Monkland Railways Police 14.08.1848 00.00.1849 31.07.1865 Absorbed by the Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway Confirmed
MR&CCP Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Police 30.06.1852 23.02.1854 03.05.1980 Closed in stages. Confirmed
MORRP Morayshire Railway Police 10.08.1852 00.00.1852 00.00.1881 Amalgamated with the Great North of Scotland Railway Confirmed
NBTP Neath Canal Navigation Police 00.00.1795 06.01.1860 1930s Closed Confirmed, No Link to BTP
N&NSRP Newcastle and North Shields Railway Police 00.06.1839 29.11.1839 00.11.1844 Absorbed by the Newcastle & Berwick Railway Confirmed
N&CRP Newcastle and Carlisle Railway Police 18.06.1838 01.01.1847 00.00.1862 Absorbed into the North Eastern Railway Confirmed
NA&HRP Newport Abergavenny & Hereford Railway Police 06.12.1853 27.07.1853 00.00.1863 Taken over by the Great Western Railway Confirmed
NRP Norfolk Railway Police 00.00.1845 08.01.1848 00.00.1852 Taken over by the Eastern Counties Railway Confirmed
NBRP North British Railway Police 00.00.1846 25.11.1845 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the London & North Eastern Railway Confirmed
NERP North Eastern Railway Police 00.00.1854 25.11.1856 01.01.1923 Absorbed into the London & North Eastern Railway Confirmed
NLRP North London Railway Police 00.00.1850 25.10.1869 00.00.1909 Absorbed into the London & North Western Railway Confirmed
NMRP North Midland Railway Police 00.00.1840 21.11.1840 00.00.1844 Merged into the Midland Railway Confirmed
NSRP North Staffordshire Railway Police 17.04.1848 24.12.1848 01.07.1923 Absorbed into the London Midland and Scottish Railway Confirmed
NURP North Union Railway Police 22.05.1834 28.05.1838 10.05.1844 Absorbed by the Bolton and Preston Railway Confirmed
NWRP North Western Railway Police (known as the Little North Western Railway) 31.07.1849 09.10.1847 30.07.1874 Absorbed by the Midland Railway Confirmed
N&ERP Northern and Eastern Railway Police 15.09.1840 15.03.1844 00.00.1902 Merged into the Great Eastern Railway Confirmed
O&NRP Oswestry & Newtown Railway Police 00.00.1860 26.05.1855 00.07.1864 Merged into the Cambrian Railway Confirmed
O&RRP Oxford & Rugby Railway Police 02.09.1850 31.10.1846 02.09.1850 Built and Operated by the Great Western Railway Confirmed
OW&WRP Oxford Worcester & Wolverhampton Railway Police 01.12.1853 19.05.1855 00.00.1860 Merged into the West Midland Railway Possible
PRP Peebles Railway Police 29.05.1855 16.06.1864 13.07.1876 Absorbed by the North British Railway Confimed
P&TRP Pembroke and Tenby Railway Police 30.07.1863 Unknown 00.00.1897 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
PGWDP Plymouth Great Western Docks Police 00.00.1846 22.12.1866 00.00.1876 Absorbed by the South Devon Railway Confirmed
PTR&DP Port Talbot Railway & Docks Police 00.00.1897 Unknown 01.01.1922 Taken over by the Great Western Railway Probable
PWJRP Preston and Wyre Joint Railway Police 28.07.1849 06.10.1855 01.07.1888 Dissolved Confirmed
RGRRP Reading Guildford & Reigate Railway Police 00.00.1849 28.07.1849 00.00.1852 Merged with the South Eastern Railway Confirmed
RCP Regent's Canal & Dock Company Police 00.00.1812 10.05.1847 01.01.1929 Merged into the Grand Union Canal Confirmed
RRP Rhymney Railway Police 00.09.1857 07.10.1896 01.01.1922 Absorbed by the Great Western Railway Confirmed
R&SRP Rugby and Stamford Railway Police 00.00.1850 07.01.1846 00.00.1846 Absorbed by the London & North Western Railway (prior to opening). Confirmed
NBTP Runcorn and Weston Canal (Policed by the Mancehster Ship Canal Police) 00.00.1859 24.01.1888 00.00.1962 Closed Confirmed
NBTP Ryde Pier Company Police 26.07.1814 01.08.1848 13.05.1854 In 1854 the Force was disbanded and the County Police Force took over. Confirmed, No Link to BTP
SCRP Scottish Central Railway Police 00.00.1845 00.00.1847 00.00.1865 Merged with the Caledonian Railway Confirmed
SMJRP Scottish Midland Junction Railway Police 04.08.1848 00.00.1850 29.07.1856 Merged with the Aberdeen Railway to form the Aberdeen & Scotland Midland Junction Railway Confirmed
SNERP Scottish North Eastern Railway Police 29.07.1856 00.00.1857 10.08.1866 Absorbed into the Caledonian Railway Confirmed
SHP Seaham Harbour Police 00.00.1828 09.09.1853 06.10.1900 Amalgamated with the North Eastern Railway Confirmed
SDBCP Sharpness Dock (also known as the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal Dock) 25.11.1874 25.11.1874 01.01.1948 Nationalised Confirmed
S&MJRP Sheffield & Midland Joint Railway Police 06.08.1872 20.04.1898 22.07.1904 Renamed the Great Central & Midland Joint Committee Probable
S&RRP Sheffield and Rotherham Railway Police 31.10.1838 31.10.1838 21.07.1845 Absorbed by the Midland Railway Confirmed
S&SYNP Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation Police. 00.00.1722. 28.11.1933 01.01.1948 Previously called the Don Navigation Canal. Nationalised Confirmed
SCP Sheffield Canal Police 00.00.1819 23.11.1885 00.00.1895 Purchased by the Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway on 22.07.1848. Nationalised. Confirmed
NBTP Sheffield Tramway Police 00.00.1873 27.11.1901 08.10.1960 Initially Horsedrawn. Closed Down Confirmed, No Link to BTP
SAMRP Sheffield, Ashton-under-Lyne and Manchester Railway Police 11.11.1841 16.09.1846 00.00.1847 Renamed the Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Confirmed
S&HRP Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway Police 21.04.1852 04.01.1861 00.00.1871 Jointly acquired by the London North Western Railway and the Great Western Railway Confirmed
S&DJRP Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway Police 01.11.1875 26.05.1866 01.01.1923 Taken over by the London Midland & Scotland Railway and also the Southern Railway Confirmed
SCRP Somerset Central Railway Police 03.03.1859 06.07.1861 01.09.1862 Amalgamated with the Dorset Central Railway to form the Somerset & Dorset Railway Confirmed
SD&CRP South Devon and Cornwall Railway Police Unknown 00.00.1860 Unknown Unknown Confirmed
SDRP South Devon Railway Police 30.051846 22.07.1848 01.02.1876 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
SD&LURP South Durham and Lancashire Union Railway Police 00.03.1861 00.00.1858 30.06.1862 Absorbed by the Stockton & Darlington Railway Confirmed
SE&CRP South Eastern and Chatham Railway Police 01.01.1899 08.12.1900 00.00.1923 Amalgamated into the Southern Railway Confirmed
SERP South Eastern Railway Police 26.05.1842 01.10.1839 01.01.1923 Merged into the Southern Railway Confirmed
SLRP South Leicestershire Railway Police 14.06.1860 04.03.1865 00.00.1867 Absorbed by the London & North Western Railway Confirmed
SWRP South Wales Railway Police 18.06.1850 c1850 01.08.1863 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
SYRP South Yorkshire Railway Police 10.11.1849 26.04.1862 00.05.1864 Absorbed into the Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Confirmed
SDP Southampton Docks Police 00.00.1836 00.00.1838 00.00.1892 Absorbed by the London and South Western Railway. Confirmed
SHBP Southampton Harbour Board Police 00.00.1836 00.00.1839 00.00.1980 Disbanded, the BTP adopted policing for the Town Quay. Confirmed
S&CRP Southerland and Cathness Railway Police 28.07.1874 00.00.1868 30.07.1884 Absorbed into the Highland Railway Confirmed
SRP Southern Railway Police 01.01.1923 01.01.1923 01.01.1948 Nationalised into British Railways Confirmed
SHRGRP St Helens and Runcorn Gap Railway Police (In 1854 known as the St Helens Railway) 00.00.1833 27.01.1854 31.07.1864 Absorbed in the London & North Western Railway Confirmed
S&DRP Stockton and Darlington Railway Police 27.09.1825 30.06.1826 00.00.1863 Merged into the North Eastern Railway Confirmed
SHTP Swansea Harbour Trust Police 00.00.1791 19.08.1913 00.00.1923 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
TVRP Taff Vale Railway Police 08.10.1840 10.01.1846 01.01.1922 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
T&HJRP Tottenham and Hampstead Joint Railway Police 21.07.1868 08.04.1874 00.00.1902 Absorbed into the Midland Railway Confirmed
T&MCP Trent and Mersey Canal Police 00.00.1771 15.12.1881 15.01.1847 Purchased by the North Staffordshire Railway Confirmed
TRVRP Trent Valley Railway Police 30.11.1847 19.02.1847 00.08.1846 Absorbed into the London & North Western Railway Probable
TW&HSERP Tunbridge Wells and Hastings South Eastern Railway Police 20.09.1845 27.06.1848 01.01.1923 Merged into Southern Railway Confirmed
UERLP Underground Electric Railways London Police 00.00.1902 19.03.1921 13.04.1933 Absorbed into the London Passenger Transport Board Confirmed
VonRP Vale of Neath Railway Police 24.09.1851 27.12.1856 01.02.1865 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
WCRP West Cornwall Railway Police 00.00.1846 01.07.1853 01.01.1948 Nationalised into British Railways Confirmed
WHH&RP West Hartlepool Harbour & Railway Company 17.05.1853 27.08.1858 30.06.1865 Amalgamated with the North Eastern Railway Confirmed
WLRP West London Railway Police 27.05.1844 16.07.1844 30.11.1844 Closed completely Confirmed
WMRP West Midland Railway Police 01.07.1860 11.08.1860 01.08.1863 Amalgamated into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
GWRP Weymouth Tramway (Weymouth Harbour) 16.10.1865 c1880 01.03.1987 Opened by the GWR. BTP ceased Policing. Confirmed
W&CRP Wilshaw and Coltness Railway Police 23.01.1834 00.00.1847 00.00.1848 Absorbed by the Caledonian Railway Confirmed
WM&CRP Wilsontown, Morningside & Coltness Railway Police 05.06.1845 00.00.1847 00.00.1849 Absorbed by the Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway Confirmed
W&BCP Worcester and Birmingham Canal Police 00.00.1795 25.02.1892 Unknown Parts of the canal are still navigable and are in use Confirmed
WVRP Wye Valley Railway Police 01.11.1876 14.11.1884 00.00.1905 Absorbed into the Great Western Railway Confirmed
Y&NMRP York and North Midland Railway Police 00.00.1839 13.07.1839 00.00.1872 Amalgamated into the North Eastern Railway Confirmed
YN&BRP York Newcastle and Berwick Railway Police 00.00.1847 04.05.1849 00.00.1854 Absorbed into the North Eastern Railway Confirmed
[1] On the 6th June 1897 the Bute Dock Company changed its name to the Cardiff Railway Company. Although it was intended that the Police force should follow suit to become the Cardiff Railway Police, it did not do so, and remained known as the Bute Dock Police until absorbed into the GWR Police in 1923. This despite the fact that there are occasional references to the Cardiff Railway Police.
[2] On the 31st August 1848 the Birmingham & Oxford Junction Railway was purchased by the Great Western Railway; this was two years before the railway line opened. The B&OJR continued construction / operation for some period after 1848 under its own name before absorption into the GWR. During this period Constables were employed, but it cannot be definitively stated whether they wore the badges of the B&OJR or GWR.