The group recognises a number of Projects, some of which are under way and some proposed – some BTPHG sponsored and some proposed by individual members. All will take some time to complete but at least the first steps have been taken.
If you can assist in any of these projects, or have any document, publication, photograph or artefact which you would be willing to donate or allow to be photographed, digitally or otherwise recorded, please contact the relevant Project Manager (links below).
The following is a list of Group projects currently under way (or completed).
1 Photo Exhibition to mark the 25th Anniversary of BTP withdrawal from policing the docks Viv Head Completed 2010
2 Police Posts (complete historical list) Vacant Commenced
3 Ports & Docks Policed by BTP (complete historical list) Viv Head Commenced
4 Nominal Roll of Officers and Staff who have served since 1826 Viv Head Commenced
5 Catalogue of Retained Archives donated to the Group Ian Oliver Commenced
6 Digital Archive Photo Project (DAPP) Martin McKay Commenced
7 Awards & Recognition given to Officers of the Force Vacant Commenced
8 Roll of Honour - Officers killed at War Ed Thompson Commenced
8a Roll of Honour - Officers killed or who have died doing their duty Viv Head Commenced
9 BTP Constituent Forces (complete historical list) Ed Thompson Completed 2013*
10 Census Returns Research Vacant Commenced
11 Police Service Records Vacant Commenced
12 Policing the Canals Vacant Commenced
13 History of the BTP Dog Section Vacant Commenced
14 Whitbread Shield / Keith Winter Cup Vacant Commenced
15 Railway Police in Ireland Rob Davison Commenced
16 Status & Duties of the early railway policeman Steve Beamon & Viv Head Commenced
17 BTP Census - To capture a snapshot of the Force as of 2013/14 John Owen & Ed Thompson Completed
18 Scanning the BTP Journal and production of DVD Viv Head Completed 2014
DVD launched 2015
19 Commemorative plaque at Tadworth Rob Davison Completed 2015
20 Rail closure protests of the 1960’s and 70’s Rob Davison Commenced
21 Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic History Research Commenced
Contact details:
Viv Head:
Steve Beamon
Rob Davison
Martin McKay