The Project
To capture a snapshot of the Force as of 2013/14.
Once again the Force is embracing a major change in its structure – from seven, already large Areas, to four enormous Divisions. Whether you think this decision is based on a money saving exercise or an attempt to improve efficiency is largely irrelevant in the context of the effect it has on the staff and the way the force is administered. It is a major step in the history of the force and recognising that history does not have to be old to be worth recording. BTPHG has embarked upon a major project to make a record of the force in its seven Area form. We are taking a census of the force. Much useful information can be gleaned from the latest Annual Report but there is so much more that can be done.
We would like to record details such as:
The location of departments and staff establishments.
Photographs and details of police stations from Aberdeen to Penzance.
Photos and placements of police vehicles.
Details of police dogs and their handlers and functions.
If you live near an existing BTP police post would you think about taking pictures of the outside and of any police vehicles there?
Project Managers: John Owen & Ed Thompson
Contact Details: census.project@btphg.org.uk
UPDATE: September 2014
The Census Project is now drawing to a close. Since last October we have travelled thousands of miles (thanks to our staff travel cards), visited 82 BTP posts, taken hundreds of photographs and gathered valuable statistical information about the Force.
We want to express our gratitude to all the great BTP staff out there for their warm hospitality and great support and our thanks also go to the senior officers who helped us facilitate this fascinating project. We still have a few more locations to visit, but we have set a cut off date by the end of 2014. In addition there have been a few of our own History Group members who have taken photographs or arranged for them to be taken. This has certainly saved us a great deal of travelling.
The next phase of the Project is how to preserve all of the material we have collected so that future generations will be able to glean a pictorial history of the Force in 2013/14.
Ed Thompson & John Owen