HG member Ian Oliver advises that John Glyn DAVIS (known as Glyn), passed away on Thursday 25th January 2024 at the age of 91, at Lymington, in Hampshire.
Glyn joined the BTC Police in 1953 and retired 32 years later, having spent his entire service at Southampton Docks.
Although not an HG member Glyn did complete a HG Police Service Record and with it included a short memoir of his life. This is available in our HistoryBank section as:
Glyn Davis Recalls ……The reminiscences of an ex-Southampton Docks Officer
Just a reminder that we do ask retired Officers and Staff to complete a Police Service Record (PSR1) detailing their history with the Force. This will form part of an invaluable record of the BTP’s history which will otherwise be lost. As with Glyn, membership is not required, although new members most welcome.