Preserving the History of Railway, Dock and Canal Policing
ZOOM Presentation
One of the things the BTPHG want to do is to connect with our members and friends to share the results of the work that we have been doing since 2009. We are therefore going to experiment with a series of ZOOM based presentations. Each one will take the form of a PowerPoint presentation followed by an opportunity for questions and discussion. The event will last no longer than 60 minutes in total.
The first session will be on Wednesday 16th March 2022 at 1900 (GMT) by ZOOM. Anybody interested in attending should email: . A couple of days before the event you will be sent a link and instructions on how to join the session. Numbers will be limited but it is unlikely we will reach our ceiling for the first event! This event is free.
Suggestions for future sessions are welcome.
The first presentation will be:
“A Deed of Savagery, Bloodshed and Death”.
The Murder of Detective Sergeant Robert Kidd 1895
Robert Kidd, Date Unknown: Credit: Family Photograph
Robert Kidd was a Detective Sergeant in the London North Western Railway Police when he was murdered in Wigan in 1895. His death has been well documented by a number of authors and BTPHG members and new material emerges all the time. Most recently the papers relating to the trial of his attackers have become available in the National Archives. In September 2021 a plaque was unveiled at the British Transport Police Station at Wigan to commemorate the 126th anniversary of the murder. The presentation will outline the background to the murder and explain the investigation and wider impact of the events of that dreadful day. The presenter will be Philip Trendall who originally wrote a paper on the murder in 1995.