Old Bailey Proceedings Online (www.oldbaileyonline.org, version 6.0, 24 January 2012), January 1848, trial of THOMAS CULLUM (t18480103-495).
Dated: 3rd January 1848
Thomas Cullum, Theft: simple larceny.
THOMAS CULLUM , stealing 1 pillow, value 3s.; the goods of the Eastern Counties Railway Company; having been before convicted.
MR. BALLANTINE conducted the Prosecution.
PATRICK HOY . I am a constable of the Eastern Counties Railway Company. About half-past seven o’clock, on Wednesday evening, 29th Dec., I was on duty at the Shoreditch station, and saw the prisoner and several more on the platform. I watched him, saw him go into a first-class waiting-room, come out, and go into second-class waiting-room, and walk up and down. He then went into Mr Grimshaw’s office, he had a no business there. He remained two or thee minutes, and came out with a bundle, I followed him to a water-closet, and waited till he came out, he then had no bundle. I did not speak to him, I followed him into the road, there is window in the water-closet communicating with the road. I went there to see if he had dropped it into the street. He had not. I took him in charge, and said, “Where is the bundle you had when you came out of Mr. Grimshaw’s office?” He said he had not been there. I said, “How come you to tell such lie, I saw you come out. He said, “I went to see what o’clock it was”. I found a bundle upon a wall which divides the water-closet, half hanging down, it had not quite gone on, it was too high for any one to reach, and had been thrown up. I asked him where the check handkerchief was that he had. He said, “I have got no such handkerchief” Somebody took his hat off, this handkerchief fell out (produced). This is the same kind of handkerchief, when I saw the pillow it was without one.
Prisoner. Q. Did not I tell you it was my handkerchief, that I was very ill with the influenza, and was obliged to have two? A. No. I did not put the pillow-case in a handkerchief to make a bundle of it. The bundle was of the size of this pillow (produced). There was a lighted clock on the platform, which you could have looked at without going to the Secretary’s office. When I first saw you, you had the bundle behind you, you saw me watching you, put it in front of you, and went into the water-closet. It could not have been two handkerchiefs, two dozen handkerchiefs would not have made such a bundle as this.
HENRY GRIMSHAW . I am principal station-master at the platform. I recollect a lady coming up one Sunday night, who left a pillow which was put in my office. On 29th Dec, about half past six o’clock, it was on the end of my desk, I went to tea, and returned a little before eight. The policeman spoke to me, and I missed it.
SARAH BROCK . I live at the Shenfield railway station, Essex. I lent this pillow to an invalid lady, she was to leave it at the station, to be forwarded down to me. It is mine.
Prisoner’s Defence. I am innocent; I was seeing a gentleman off by the rail, but he did not come; I am a widower, with three children under eight years of age; I have always borne a good character.
JOHN HOPE (policeman.) I produce a certificate of the prisoner’s former conviction, (read) Convicted, Dec., 1846, of stealing an umbrella, and confined one month). I was present, he is the person.
GUILTY . Aged 70. Transported for Seven Years.