I’m pleased to report that the November edition of Discover Your History magazine has an article about the British Transport Police History Group.
Discover Your History is an exciting new-look national magazine that takes a broad look at our past – including aspects of family and social history as well as Britain’s local and national history and heritage.
The article, which is featured in the Society Spotlight section (Pages 30 – 31) is written by our very own Rob Davison, and a very good article it is too.
He gives an overview of the BTPHG, explaining our aims and achievements – and this website is featured prominently too!
Well done to Rob for raising the group’s profile in this way.
The magazine is currently in newsagents – priced £4.99 – and for those so inclined it’s even available for iPad & iPhone.
Update: December 2013
The original article is now available here: Guardians of Travel
Thanks to Discover Your History magazine for permission to publish the article.