An Award for PC Patrick



An Award for Meritorious Conduct

We are pleased to record that Constable ‘34’ C. H. Patrick, of the Tyne Dock section of our police force, has been awarded the Bronze Medal of the Society for the Protection of Life from Fire for the part he played in rescuing three children from a fire at Tyne Dock on July 23.

P.C. Patrick was proceeding home after duty when he was informed that No.8 Dock Street, Tyne Dock, was on fire. Hurrying up the back stairs he forced the kitchen door with an axe. Onlookers called that three children lived in the house, and after a search he rescued one child under great difficulties, and with the assistance of Constable H. Maxwell, of the South Shields Borough Police, and John William Booth, an unemployed labourer, succeeded in finding and rescuing the remaining two children. The three children, all under five years of age, were alone in the house, and but for the prompt action of the two constables would have lost their lives; they were quite unconscious when found. The two officers were also in a state of collapse after effecting the rescue.

The facts of the case were reported by Mr Alex D Wilson, the Chief Constable of the South Shields Borough Police, to the Society for the Protection of Life from Fire, who acknowledged the bravery of the men concerned by awarding their Bronze Medal to the two constables and a cheque for one guinea to Mr Booth.

The awards were presented on November 22nd at the South Shields Borough Police Court by His Worship the Mayor of South Shields (Councillor R. Bradley) in the presence of the Magistrates and the Chief Constable of South Shields. Mr H S Cole, Chief of Police (North Eastern and Scottish Areas), accompanied by Superintendent Charlton and Inspector Kay, represented the company.

A pleasing feature of the incident was the close co-operation between the South Shields Borough and the railway police forces, and Mr Cole stressed this point when replying to the Mayor.


Extract from the London & North Eastern Railway Magazine, 1938.
Photo and text from the L&NER Magazine DVD. © Great Eastern Railway Society